Wedding Banquet hall in Saint-Petersburg
If you are looking for a good wedding restaurant Banquet hall of the hotel «Ladoga» will be the best choice. Of course, now there is absolutely no shortage of proposals in this field, but they are very difficult to compare due to the fact that when finding the right places for a wedding need to pay attention to a number of different criteria. If you do not have the time or desire to consider and calculate all the nuances, it’s best to use a proven offer and to rent a Banquet hall for a wedding inexpensive in the hotel «Ladoga».
At the disposal of our clients – a restaurant for 100 guests with thoughtful interiors and original menus, which combine traditional Russian dishes and European cuisine. Our employees apply an individual approach to each celebration. We carefully calculate every nuance (with musical arrangement, room decoration, menu planning, etc.), and then be sure to approve them with the customer.
Room for banquets located on the ground floor. High ceilings and large Windows provide plenty of natural light, which is very important for photo and video. Additional amenities include: transfer, accommodation of guests in comfortable rooms, Luggage storage, dry cleaning, etc.
Our wedding Banquet hall is popular, because all of the employees of our restaurant are highly qualified and have the necessary experience to prepare and perfect banquets. In addition, among our advantages, affordable prices, convenient transportation near the hotel and the proximity of historic landmarks. We are close to the station metro «Novocherkasskaya», so all guests will be able to reach the place without any problems. To accommodate the personal transportation there is ample Parking.
The newlyweds are in for a pleasant bonus: a late arrival, discount on rooms, complimentary champagne and fruit basket in the room. With the «Ladoga» your wedding will be perfect!